
dress over pants look

I had pulled to the curb to answer a phone call from Lilia, my VV partner in crime, when I spotted this woman at the corner of Broderick and Oak. Lilia understood and quickly let me go chase this fashionable cyclist through what we SFers fondly call The Wiggle. I finally caught up with her in front of Duboce Park. Her choice of a red Vietnamese silk mini-dress over black velvet pants is a good one for San Francisco, because no matter what the season, the evenings get chilly as soon as the sun goes down. So I applaud her choice for keeping her legs cozy and warm for the imminent nightfall, while flaunting her personal style by day.


  1. I think this is great. My wife does it all the time when we are cycling in the spring and fall. It is kind of cute in my opinion.

  2. Hi Samuel,

    It's more than kind of cute! Frankly, it's chic! For some winter inspiration (since it looks like you live in the snow), check out Copenhagen Cycle Chic.


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