
more Sunday in the Park

The weather in SF is notoriously unpredictable. In summer we get thick pea soup fog interspersed with sunny days, and this winter has felt more like spring with unbelievable heat waves following brief stints of rain, which have had me reminiscing about those sunny Sundays picnicking or simply gallivanting in Golden Gate Park. So I dug up some pics from our Indian Summer to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside even if it's cold and wet outside... or not!

This woman is simply beautiful with her light red and black plaid jacket flowing in the tailwind.

And how about this cutie giving a coup d'oeil to the roller disco park, enjoying the sun with his mp3s streaming over his headphones?

And because I can't enough of doubling the phun, here are my pals Ohleev and Spud (a.k.a. the Twins Brothers) from Paris when they were here in October. Hopefully we'll have another heatwave for their next visit scheduled for February.

1 comment:

  1. Love the lumberjack plaid jacket with the ultra-feminine waist! WANT!


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