
Ride SFO Bike Expo

Lilia and I attended the inaugural Bike Expo hosted by Ride SFO recently. I picked up a few accessories and the Twins shopped for fixies. We all test rode a few wheels, but didn't take any home.

We were all impressed by the dudes doing jumps in the freestyle zone.

And by how cute patience can be.

Some of the vendors were selling some hot styles, notably, B. Spoke Tailor. The owner makes custom knickers for men and women in a variety of fabrics, as well as raincoats and vest packs.

We were all mesmerized by these lights for your spokes made by Monkey Lectric, which reminded me a bit of Burning Man.


  1. I got one of those Monkey Lectric lights -- VERY bright when riding in the dark.

  2. Cool, Yokota! I especially liked when the Shepard Fairley Obama image came up.


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