
Deep is the Word

I've modified the following song lyrics because they seem to fit the profile:

Deep is the word, is the word that you heard
It's got groove, it's got meaning

Deep is the time, is the place, is the motion
Deep is the way we are feeling

Name: Amandeep 'Deep Jawa
Favorite color: Blue
Software Engineer, iTunes/Apple
Hometown: Fayetteville NC
SF neighborhood: The Mission
Favorite time or place to ride:
All over our fair city, any time
Type of bike: Trikeasaurus for party purposes, tandem for dates & friends, hybrid-ish for day to day
Like most about your bike:
making lots of people happy with Trikeasaurus
The artist(s) most frequently played on your iPod at the moment:
Green Day (at the moment) EELS, Jacksons (Michael, or The Jackson 5)
Describe your personal style:
Intergalactic Indian Cowboy (I love anything shiny)
Describe your experience cycling in SF:
Love love love (& the occasional annoying car driver)


  1. Wow! Immortalized in song! Thanks guys! :-)

    Love the post and the pix! :-)

    if people wanna get in on the flashdance fun send them to www.flashdance.org & my trike has its own page at www.tinyurl.com/deeptrike

  2. Thanks to you, Deep, for rolling in with the good times in tow! See you soon!


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