
VV Profile: Carlton Evans (or - "Who can resist a boy on a bike?")

Occupation: Director of the Disposable Film Festival

Hometown: Montreal

SF neighborhood: Mission-ish

Helmet or no helmet: I always wear protection

Type of bike: I have three right now: a chrome Bianchi Pista, a 12-speed Bianchi Limited, and this one, which is a 60s Dutch Frame that I've outfitted with cruiser bars and a basket.

Describe what you like best about your bike: Bikes are awesome: they provide efficient, emissions-free transportation, good health, and of course, style. Who can resist a boy or girl on a bike? I like riding my Pista best, but I've become very attached to this big white bike in the picture. I use it to run errands, etc. The basket is really useful. When I have dreams about biking, I'm usually on this one.

Describe your cycling experience in SF: There's such a great bike culture here, and always more people riding. But it can be pretty scary riding at times. The city really needs to get behind biking in the way that other cities have, with more and safer bike lanes, and more areas closed off more often to motor traffic.

Favorite time or place to ride: I love riding to the beach on sunny Sunday afternoons. The ride through Golden Gate park is glorious. I usually stop in at Trouble Coffee for a little energizer when I'm out there.

Favorite color: Red

Artist most frequently played on iPod at the moment: My First Earthquake. Their new record is really fun.

Describe your personal style: I've always admired the mod look from the 60s. I try to base my style on that and kind of build out from there. But stylistically I've always been promiscuous. I've never been able to completely embrace one look.

And seriously, who could resist a smile like that? My camera certainly couldn't. ;-)


  1. W00t! Montreal boys for the win! :-D

  2. cute! thanks for the trifecta eye candy, who can resist a basket, trouble coffee and a cute v-sweater, ;D
    cheers /♥m

  3. Come ride with me, let's ride, let's ride away.....

  4. No way - I saw him first. And I got his numba! ;-)


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