
VV Profile: Kelly Murdock

Occupation: Massage therapist/drink slinger
Hometown: Chicago
SF neighborhood: Hayes Valley
Helmet or no helmet: No helmet
Type of bike: Norco from British Columbia
Describe what you like best about your bike: Vintage
Describe your cycling experience in SF: Windy, dewy, sometimes sunny, always unpredictable
Favorite time or place to ride: My favorite time to ride is when the day is not the day and the night is not the night... somewhere in between
Favorite color: Red
Artist most commonly played on iPod at the moment: Papa Wemba
Describe your personal style: Ethnic
Vélo Vogue tip of the day: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."


  1. good post nice beer slinger haha.... follow my blog... plaese..



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