
a bicycle serenade

While in Ipanema, I saw this guy fixing bikes on the sidewalk (the Bike Man Ben of Rio?). Seeing as how I serendipitously ran into more of my brethren, I asked him if he would take a picture of me with my bicycle.

Instead he gave me a song.

He mentions his band (which is supposedly on myspace) at the end of his song, but unfortunately Eu não falo português, so if someone can chime in with a translation, muito obrigada!


  1. That was sooome Dude Kristin!! I´m a newcomer to your blog and loved to see this. Well I live in São Paulo, I don´t know you but I love bikes. Here´s your translation out of the oven.

    I know Kristi is a panther
    yes she is
    I got really into her thing
    Yes I did
    With this grand smile
    and this sensual body
    She is beautifull as a flower
    And she looks like a goddess of love
    I´ll be your enchanted prince
    and on a silver stallion
    will conquer your love

    The rhymes are better in portuguese

    See ya


  2. I think that his 'group' or favourite group: (samba style)


    Demais!... his song was about 'my goddess of love'! :)

  3. Thanks, pals! I have been laughing out loud. Little did I know! Cycling happily into oblivion in Ipanema!


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