
ghost bike - long live marcia

I was told that in São Paolo, 85 cyclists are killed in hit and run accidents with cars each year.

marcia vive
And that's only what's reported. The actual numbers of deaths and injuries to cyclists caused by motorists are far greater. There is little to no accountability for these deaths.

ghost bike avenida paulista 2
As in most cities in Brazil, in SP, cars don't stop for red lights for fear of being carjacked. So obviously a person riding a bike is considered crazy, risking his or her life out there on the road. A bike (and logically the person on the bike) is in the way of car traffic. If there's no space for bikes, then there's no space for bike lanes. Where would a bike fit into this picture above?

stenciled bike lane
Despite the opposition, Paulista cyclists bravely and tenaciously paint their own bike lanes onto roads in their city. This "bike lane" was stenciled onto Avenida Paulista right in front of Marcia's monument.

respeite 1
A bike lane serving as a reminder to respect the living. A ghost bike serving as a reminder to respect the dead.


  1. Great post!

    I was in the first tribute to Márcia. I did not know her personally, but I got very emotional with what happened.
    Now she is an icon of the daily struggle for survival of cyclists of São Paulo.

    "His haste is worth a life?"

  2. Thanks for this feedback, Alvaro. I continue to be extremely impressed by the tenacity of SP cyclists! Would love to come back for a Bicicletada one of these days.

    I like your quote too.

    Ride on!

  3. sf, its time to do a ghost bike project!


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