
Who you callin' fool? Fool.

In honor of April Fools Day, please bear witness to this distinguished bike blogger making a fool of herself... in a good way! ;-)

Part Un

Always a party on Dan's party bike!

Part Deux

Any bike is more fun with a sound system and a microphone!

And because no one caught me doing my Marvin Gaye on camera that day (and cuz Ade's not the only fool), I give you Mick Jagger.

KT_Mick on Vimeo.


  1. Fools indeed! Raised a big smile here, thanks for sharing. Everyone's happy with a song in their hearts (no matter how daft they look haha)

    Oh, and I WANT one of those multi-person bike / people carrier things, they look like so much fun.

    i b i k e l o n d o n

  2. This bike is a lot of fun. I think it's called the FunCycle... I don't know where you can get one, but in my opinion, London definitely needs one.

  3. I thought this blog was "where the runway meets the bike lane" : ) Fool indeed : )

  4. Well yes, we look good while making fools of ourselves. AND - a sense of humor is very fashionable!

  5. Well, in that case, call me Coco Chanel and pass the mic. I am feeling a little "Journey" coming on!

  6. Just a small town girl - livin' in a lonely world!


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