
VV Profile: Soraya of My Dutch Bike

Soraya on Orange bike
Name: Soraya Isabel Nasirian

Occupation: Owner, My Dutch Bike

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Current city: Sausalito, CA

Favorite city to ride a bike in in the world: Amsterdam

Helmet or no helmet: Sorry no helmet

Type of bike: Workcycles Omafiets 8 speed (yes, steel and heavy)

Describe what you like best about your bike: Rides smooth and steady and of course in Dutch Orange!

Describe your urban cycling experience: Used to cycle a lot in a mountain bike, bag on my shoulder not comfortable but easy. Went to UC Davis so lots of cycling there too! Now get around in my omafiets when possible avoid the hills like a plague!

Favorite time and/or place to ride: Love riding around 2 pm in SF when I can get out of the store. Traffic is light sun is warm. Also Sausalito almost anytime when the weather is great with my 3 year old son.
Sebastiaan & his retrovelo shoes

Artist most commonly played on iPod at the moment: Listen to Pandora, so lets see - Bonobo, Glass Candy...

Tell us how you started your company, My Dutch Bike: Been with my Dutch boyfriend Oscar, for 10 years always traveling to Amsterdam at least twice a year and riding our bicycles occasionally around but what sealed the deal was the birth of our son. It was just so easy to get around with him even at 8 months old on a bicycle even wearing heels or a skirt. Just made common sense to get these bicycles over here. I quit my job as a graphic artist and my boyfriend Oscar is just so supportive and 100% on board. It's the right time even if the economy isn't saying so. San Francisco is such a great hub for us. We have met some great people including our landlord who in her silent way as given us a chance to open up a store when otherwise would be almost impossible. She is our number 1 fan!

Beer Bike

Any good bike date stories with your boyfriend? Actually yes, Oscar and I had our first date on a bicycle ride about 10 years ago from SF (where we lived) all the way to Sam's in Tiburon. First time we held hands and knew it was love forever after! ;) He also assisted me on all the hills by placing his hand on my lower back. Can't beat that!

Describe your personal style: Boots, boots, boots first then pick the outfit. Always works for me!

Vélo Vogue tip of the day: Riding a bicycle has to fit your lifestyle. It's not about how often you ride but that you just do it whenever you can. You'll be surprised how often that will be.

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