
Giants are Wild... maybe

George - my friend and fellow SF native - and I are Giants fans. And because this bike is orange (Go Giants), I got George back in the saddle and we rode to a game.
George rides Giants' Orange!

My dad didn't ride a bike to the game, but he's awfully fun to drink beers with!
Dear Old Dad, Michael & KT

The Giants' ballpark is stunning any time of day, but especially at sunset...
Stadium at Sunset

when the moon rises over Splash Landing.
Moon Rise over Splash Landing

So with the Giants, you win some and you lose some, but on this particular night we kicked butt - 11 to 2!
Giants Win 11 - 2!
Crossing fingers for that Wild Card...


  1. Sarah and I went to the game on Tuesday. The weather last week was perfect for night baseball.


    Looks like you had a good time.

  2. That's an awesome pic! What a lovely moment to be captured!

    Go Giants!!!


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