
VV Profile: Robin Carlson - More Cowbell, PUH-LEASE!

stop & smell the
photo by Booker T. Kyle

Name: Robin
Occupation: Artworld Elitist
Hometown: Southern Humboldt
Current neighborhood: Sunset
Favorite city to ride a bike in in the world: Any Mediterranean island city, San Francisco, Rome
Helmet or no helmet: Helmet!!!
Type of bike: SS Surly Cross-Check, DeRosa Planet, Waterford (touring), Specialized FSR XC

Describe what you like best about your bike: I love them all for different reasons. My DeRosa is beautiful and super fast. My Waterford is like a Cadillac- I could practically take a nap on it.

Describe your urban cycling experience: When I worked at the Legion of Honor I never went straight home from the museum. I rode Land's End and GGP or the Headlands every day on my cross bike, and was always grateful that my commute was one of the best rides in the city.

Lately, I've been exploring different corners of the local bike scene. I played polo for the first time last week and raced cyclocross for the first time the week before before that. I started modeling for Pedal Panties over the summer, and recently did one of the Pedal Savvy fashion shows. I'm sure that my velo-fetish didn't need to be encouraged but finding new ways to geek out has been making me really happy.

Favorite time and/or place to ride: AT&T Park for Giants games is always at the top of the list. I go on road rides in West Marin whenever I can. I love rolling around the city on random weekdays exploring the neighborhoods and finding cool shit. Nothing beats a sunset on the west side of the Golden Gate Bridge, but sunsets in the Mediterranean come close.

photo by Robin Carlson

Tell us a funny story that happened to you on your bike: Eddy Merckx kissed me on the cheek. (Admittedly, it's not funny, and I wasn't actually on a bike, but it's still worth sharing).

Describe your personal style: I have an extensive collection of miniskirts, including a skort for riding, and I wear tons of jewelry. I usually carry 2 or 3 hoodies at any given time. My bikes are an extension of my style. My 1-speed is black and has pinstripe bartape that matches my favorite hoody. If I'm not in Sidis, I'm wearing high-heeled black boots.

photo by Booker T. Kyle

Favorite color(s): Black

The Real Pride in SF
photo by Robin Carlson

AND how 'bout those Giants??? Damn Dude! I was on Polk when they won, and rode through the city ringing my orange cowbell. Of the five cops standing at the 3rd street bridge, one thanked me for stopping at the red light & yielding for a car and another shouted "More Cowbell!"

Cowbell aside, I'm still not quite sure how to sum up this season (like it wasn't enough that Jon Miller was inducted into the hall of fame). I am still basking in the afterglow and enjoying the shortest off-season in SF Giants history.

Vélo Vogue tip of the day: Fortune favors the well prepared.


  1. rad bikey profile, Robin rocks! (hi, Deep intro'd @ Expo) <3 de rosa. fish in the nets -- one of the highlights of the fashion show! cheers

  2. These are lovely photos. Thanks for sharing these post. Nice outfit!

  3. In case you need a reminder, THE GIANTS WON THE WORLD SERIES. F*CK YEAH!!!!!!!!!


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