
Vogue Around The Globe - Baby It's Cold (no it ain't!)

Since I'm still spending most of the days in my pajamas at my home office, and shots of my cat curled up in front of the fireplace would be out of context for this blog, here I go with Other People's Pics from other parts of the world, starting with...

Meligrosa in our homegrown fog right in front of our Golden Gates!
greetings from foglandia

a.pic.a.day rolls in houndstooth tights on icy NYC pavement. You go girl!
day1739 mon20dec2010

Bart Omeu documents invierno en Barça! (That's where I'll be end of January 2011!)
novembre_ 957

Oh yeah, and while the Northern Hemisphere gets cozy, the Southern Hemisphere is taking it off.

Candy Cranks cranks up the heat in fishnets in Sydney.
Christina: Pensacola FL

Quiltro Elemento brings us the dog days of summer in Santiago de Chile.
Se está acostumbrando a viajar en el Bullitt

Lexitos shows us that it's getting hotter and hotter - though this doesn't look like The Hague to me...
Confused passante

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