
SF Humor FTW!

Le Rouge et Noir and I met up with a wall of famous Orange and Black men the other day in the Mission.
KT & The Champs

I am riding the wave of Giants World Series joy as long as it carries me!
Rouge et Noir & Orange et Noir

And since SF is a savvy kind of town, with a snarky sense of humor, we can't allow ourselves to gloat too much. Even baseball gets scrutinized by the politically correct magnifying glass.
Define "World"
Indeed, these countries are part of the World as we know it, and yet in baseball, still, 29 American teams + 1 Canadian team = The World.

My BF Buster and I think that's pretty funny. (Actually I think I'm laughing at this unflattering portrait of him).
Me & my unflattering BF

Or maybe we're laughing because the Huffinator looks like Sergio Romo...
Aubrey looks like Romo

And G-Mo looks like a Vampire.
Guillermo the Vampire


  1. WTF? The Giants won the World Series last year? LOL.

  2. I think you must know my two word reply to this by now (hint: on the tip of Timmy's tongue).


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