
chillin with the bici

Sometimes your bike simply takes you to a quiet place where you can relax with friends...
Chillin at BCN beach

or gives a brief pause in your busy day...

to contemplate your existence...
Sunning at BCN beach

and then write down your thoughts.
cool dude with bike on bench

I often experience inspirations and visions while I'm riding my bike, the endorphins electrifying my mind and soul.

Where does your bike take you?


  1. My rides are a riverside escape down paths that smell of cool, damp spring mornings.

  2. Nice little photo essay! Spring is just around the corner. My bike ride to work was beautiful this morning.

  3. Those benches would look way better if I was lounging on one!!! Of course, I would look much better if I was lounging on one of those benches.


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