
dad's debut

Happy Father's Day to all you dudes who also happen to be dads!

Yesterday, my dad suggested we go biking on Angel Island, a gorgeous state park that used to be the Ellis Island of the West and a military base dating back to Civil War times.
waiting for ferry

You can take a ferry over there from Tiburon, San Francisco and even Oakland. The ferry ride is all part of the fun.
on ferry

It was the first time in two years that my Dear Old Dad got on his bicycle (he had shoulder surgery). He thought he looked really cool in his Italian jersey.
kt & dad

It was also the first time his wife had ever gone to Angel Island, and the first time I'd been there since I was about 16 years old.
karen & kt
It felt like a new discovery for all of us!

So we were all thrilled that the weather not only cooperated but exceeded our expectations! Beautiful and clear! Sunny and warm! No wind to speak of! Amazing!
kt & dad with the city
I rode my single speed folding bike (a.k.a. the latte), which my dad kept referring to as the Monkey Bike (new name?).

We found many a picnic spot for next time...
old barracks
leaning tree

and got a good work out in with a few hills built into the perimeter...
pushing bike up hill

and great views around every turn.
city with tree

Though riding bikes with Pops on Angel Island was a first for us, it certainly won't be the last time.
dear old dad
Give a hand to my dad for making his Vélo Vogue debut!


  1. My dad commented that he looks dismayed in all the photos and wonders if he ever closes his mouth. hahaha

  2. Note that you have said look in the first picture : )

  3. Fun place to visit. If you get a chance someday, take the tour of the immigration detention center.

    Angel Island was not quite the Ellis Island of the west -- because many immigrants into the US via the Pacific were from Asia, the Angel Island detention center was mainly used for enforcement of the the Chinese Exclusion Act. Immigrants from other countries spent little time there.

    Also, most of the history of Angel Island is military. There are occasional tours of Camp Reynolds as well as East Garrison. There is still an active Coast Guard presence on the island.

    The island is relatively small if you're on a bike; but pretty large if you're on foot.


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