
Two Female Cyclists from Sweden Out to Save the World

The Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo.

This invisible helmet has crossed my path a few times over the last couple months. Am I for it or against it? I normally don't wear a helmet because I believe that safety truly comes in numbers and not what you choose to put on your head. I also believe that North American cyclists deserve a safer bike infrastructure, more than we need a new and improved head device. Seriously speaking, the onus should be on lawmakers and planners to build better bikeways for everyone, from child to senior citizen, in every neighborhood.

I do, however, appreciate the Swedish attitude: "Cars are so yesterday. Bikes are the future."

What do you think of the invisible helmet?


  1. I think that it's a good idea. But how much would that cost?

  2. I'm with you on numbers and better infrastructure. Some regular helmet wearers doffed theirs for Sunday's group ride, but I kept mine for fear of crashing into a careless neighbor. Instead, we stayed out of one another's ways and enjoyed the Living Walls.

    Interesting concept. It seems to offer improved protection against broken necks along with head trauma, but at what cost? More than money, if I thought such elaborate protection were necessary, I'd find another means of transportation.

    I'm still quite ambivalent about helmet use, having survived growing up in an era when they simply did not exist.

    Atlanta is daily more bike-friendly, but remains a "car town". Just ask some of the motorists we blocked Sunday afternoon. All working in bike advocacy here wear helmets.

  3. In terms of "how much does the invisible helmet cost" - I have no idea. I think the product is not on the market yet.

    In terms of its societal cost, I think it weakens the perception that riding a bike is dangerous, while giving the cyclist more protection in case of an accident.

    I don't think this is an answer to our woes in North America, and I am skeptical of how many would be quick to adopt the invisible helmet.

    Cameron, as for Atlanta being a car town, so is San Francisco. Congrats on your group ride. I need to check out your pics. I think most towns in North America are car-centric, with the exception of maybe Portland. All others that I've personally ridden in are way more car-friendly than bike-friendly.

    In Europe, I think city dwellers sing a different tune. Barcelona and Paris have transformed and are still transforming into bike towns.

    We've got a long road ahead of us until we reach safety in numbers. In the meantime, helmets provide a sense of personal safety.

    Perhaps wearing a helmet could be likened to wearing a condom... Ride at your own risk.


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