
Q: Où est Kristin?

A: Paris.


I'll be in France for two weeks. I need to attend to some family affairs.

I most likely will not be posting regularly as I'll be traveling deep into Provence and far away from it all.


Hopefully Adrienne and Ramona might kick in with a few posts while I'm off for a fortnight. If not, don't worry. As California's former Governator once said, I'll be back.

Bises et A+!


Anonymous said...

I hope you have à Nice trip in France, you can rent bicycle in a lot of cities :-)

Kristin Tieche said...

Merci! Oui Oui! Paris à vélo!

Anonymous said...

I wish that I had family affairs to attend to in France. . . if you see any Voyers please ask them to call me. Bon voyage.