Pedal Power To The People!
What does Occupy Wall Street need to be successful? Ironically, money. But it's for a good cause. ;-)
Anyone else know a way to help them out with supplies?
Gainsbourg Goes Vogue - San Francisco Giveaway
Serge Gainsbourg - Ballade de Melody Nel by scootaway
“Ainsi je déconnais avant que je ne perde
Le contrôle de la Rolls. J’avançais lentement
Ma voiture dériva et un heurt violent
Me tira soudain de ma rêverie. Merde!
J’aperçus une roue de vélo à l’avant,
Qui continuait de tourner en roue libre,
Et comme une poupée qui perdait l’équilibre
La jupe retroussée sur ses pantalons blancs.”
Evidemment, Serge was again ahead of his time, describing cycle chic/vélo vogue way back in the 1970s, albeit in a très Gainsbourgien kind of way.
So we have another San Francisco only giveaway! The first four people to leave a comment on here on the blog, tweet or facebook (@velovogue using hashtag #voguegainsbourg) with their FAVORITE GAINSBOURG SONG TITLE plus one line of lyrics gets a pair of tickets to see the film at SF's Embarcadero Theater anytime between 10/31 - 11/3. Tickets will be left at the theater in your name.
Feel free to participate even if you're not in SF, just for the sheer love of that crazy frenchie!
Here's the description of the film and the trailer:
Joann Sfar’s GAINSBOURG: A HEROIC LIFE is a completely original take on one of France’s greatest mavericks, the illustrious and infamous Jewish singer-songwriter, Serge Gainsbourg (Eric Elmosnino). Born Lucien Ginsburg to Russian-Jewish parents, Sfar follows him from his precocious childhood in Nazi-occupied Paris, to his beginnings as small time jazz musician and finally pop superstar. Along the way he romances many of the era’s most beautiful women, including Juliette Greco (Anna Mouglalis), Brigitte Bardot (Laetitia Casta) and Jane Birkin (Lucy Gordon). Employing a witty surrealistic style and a soundtrack that includes many of the musician’s greatest hits, GAINSBOURG: A HEROIC LIFE is a quintessential time capsule to ‘60’s Paris.
Bonne chance!
Bike Wardrobe Remix: The Joy of Biking
My friend Gabi was just visiting SF and told me the best time she had during her visit was when she was riding around on a bike. So this edition of Bike Wardrobe Remix is all about that happy cycling feeling!

give me a L !
Sunday best for a sunny CicLAvia!
top : vintage
skirt : vintage
shoes : from spain, i think
shades : frogskins
bike: felt

Panda in the rain
After days of rain, I had enough... back on the saddle. It wasn't that bad at all! Plus nothing cheers you up on a dull, wet, grey day than a red polka dot dress!
Red gloves - present
Red polka dot dress - Oxfam
Waterproof - Decathlon
Leather boots - Office
Bike - Pashley Princess Sovereign

my bike
I've put the li'l rug on my seat =) It's comfortable!
Lady Velo

Cake & Coffee Cruise - 24th September 2011
Details for Bike Wardrobe Remix:
Aviator Sunglasses: Chanel
Gold Tusk Earrings: Topshop
Dinosaur Necklace: Tatty Devine
Dress: Miss Selfridge
Leggings: Topshop
Bag: Vintage Gucci
Sandals: Carvela
Heather and Bo Liles

Introducing Clara Bow
Dress: Buffalo Exchange
Sandals: Gift from Bo
Sunglasses: Style Station

new bike and new dress!
from Goodwill

PHOTO CREDIT: Dmitry Gudkov
see the full story here.
shirt, br (madmen collection)
dress, club monaco
shoes (dkny?)
Lovely Bicycle!

Riding a Bakfiets!

give me a L !
Sunday best for a sunny CicLAvia!
top : vintage
skirt : vintage
shoes : from spain, i think
shades : frogskins
bike: felt

Panda in the rain
After days of rain, I had enough... back on the saddle. It wasn't that bad at all! Plus nothing cheers you up on a dull, wet, grey day than a red polka dot dress!
Red gloves - present
Red polka dot dress - Oxfam
Waterproof - Decathlon
Leather boots - Office
Bike - Pashley Princess Sovereign

my bike
I've put the li'l rug on my seat =) It's comfortable!
Lady Velo

Cake & Coffee Cruise - 24th September 2011
Details for Bike Wardrobe Remix:
Aviator Sunglasses: Chanel
Gold Tusk Earrings: Topshop
Dinosaur Necklace: Tatty Devine
Dress: Miss Selfridge
Leggings: Topshop
Bag: Vintage Gucci
Sandals: Carvela
Heather and Bo Liles

Introducing Clara Bow
Dress: Buffalo Exchange
Sandals: Gift from Bo
Sunglasses: Style Station

new bike and new dress!
from Goodwill

PHOTO CREDIT: Dmitry Gudkov
see the full story here.
shirt, br (madmen collection)
dress, club monaco
shoes (dkny?)
Lovely Bicycle!

Riding a Bakfiets!
Vélo Vogue Caption Contest!
This untitled pic from mimi destiny warrants a caption contest! Post your caption in our comments section, or on our facebook page or twitter. Winners get recognition here in 1 week, and your chance to be profiled here on Vélo Vogue.

Readers - GO!

Readers - GO!
Laser-Cut Bike Light by Jin Tsubota
Laser-Cut Bike Light originally posted on Instructables.
video and words by Jin Tsubota
These are instructions on how to make the custom DIY LED bike light that I made when I was an art student. While shopping for a new bike tail light, I couldn’t find a single cool design for my beach cruiser. Unlike my hipster friends and carbon-fiber-loving classmates, I was always more interested in the style of Copenhagen’s Cycle Chic. With no good bike lights to buy, I decided to create my own custom beach cruiser light.
Unfortunately, my bicycle and light were recently stolen. I made this instructable with the few images and videos that I had saved. By entering the Instructables Epilog Challenge, I hope to win the Epilog Zing laser cutter so that I can make another tail light for my new ratrod bike. If there’s enough interest in my laser cutter project, I plan on starting a small business making bike light mods and laser cutter art.
Watch the 2-minute video to check out the design process, from concept design to finished product. And if you happen to see my stolen bike anywhere in the Oakland area, please let me know!
video and words by Jin Tsubota
These are instructions on how to make the custom DIY LED bike light that I made when I was an art student. While shopping for a new bike tail light, I couldn’t find a single cool design for my beach cruiser. Unlike my hipster friends and carbon-fiber-loving classmates, I was always more interested in the style of Copenhagen’s Cycle Chic. With no good bike lights to buy, I decided to create my own custom beach cruiser light.
Unfortunately, my bicycle and light were recently stolen. I made this instructable with the few images and videos that I had saved. By entering the Instructables Epilog Challenge, I hope to win the Epilog Zing laser cutter so that I can make another tail light for my new ratrod bike. If there’s enough interest in my laser cutter project, I plan on starting a small business making bike light mods and laser cutter art.
Watch the 2-minute video to check out the design process, from concept design to finished product. And if you happen to see my stolen bike anywhere in the Oakland area, please let me know!
With My Own Two Wheels on Link TV
This incredibly moving film about our favorite mode of transportation is airing this Friday on Link TV - the television network that is also my employer. It is also available online on Link TV's website.
For many Americans, the bicycle is a choice. For countless others across the globe, it is much more. For Fred, a health worker in Zambia, the bicycle is a means of reaching twice as many patients. For Bharati, a teenager in India, it provides access to education. For Mirriam, a disabled Ghanaian woman, working on bicycles is an escape from the stigma attached to disabled people in her community. For Carlos, a farmer in Guatemala, pedal power is a way to help neighbors reduce their impact on the environment. For Sharkey, a young man in California, the bicycle is an escape from the gangs that consume so many of his peers.
My Own Two Wheels weaves together the experiences of these five individuals into a single story about how the bicycle can change the world - one pedal stroke at a time. Find out when it airs at linktv.org.
ViewChange: With My Own Two Wheels Airdates
(Times in Pacific time zone)
Friday, October 21st
05:00 pm
Tuesday, October 25th
08:00 pm
Thursday, October 27th
02:30 am
Saturday, October 29th
05:30 am
DIRECTV Channel 375 | DISH Network Channel 9410
cross-posted at Change Your Life. Ride a Bike!
For many Americans, the bicycle is a choice. For countless others across the globe, it is much more. For Fred, a health worker in Zambia, the bicycle is a means of reaching twice as many patients. For Bharati, a teenager in India, it provides access to education. For Mirriam, a disabled Ghanaian woman, working on bicycles is an escape from the stigma attached to disabled people in her community. For Carlos, a farmer in Guatemala, pedal power is a way to help neighbors reduce their impact on the environment. For Sharkey, a young man in California, the bicycle is an escape from the gangs that consume so many of his peers.
My Own Two Wheels weaves together the experiences of these five individuals into a single story about how the bicycle can change the world - one pedal stroke at a time. Find out when it airs at linktv.org.
ViewChange: With My Own Two Wheels Airdates
(Times in Pacific time zone)
Friday, October 21st
05:00 pm
Tuesday, October 25th
08:00 pm
Thursday, October 27th
02:30 am
Saturday, October 29th
05:30 am
DIRECTV Channel 375 | DISH Network Channel 9410
cross-posted at Change Your Life. Ride a Bike!
Mother Can You Hear Me?
Installment 2 of my personal perspective on the silly things people do on their bicycles that can make things hard for everyone.
Not long ago, I was riding along Valencia St. when I noticed the rider just ahead of me was a woman I know. She was about 50 feet ahead of me, so I sped up and called out to her. She didn't hear me, so I picked up the pace a bit and called again. Nothing. I gave her my New York taxi yell (it is quite impressive, you should hear it). Nothing. Finally I caught up to her and passed to the left and said "hi!". She just about jumped out of her skin and nearly crashed.
"Don't sneak up on people like that!' she yelled at me.
"I didn't! I have been yelling your name for half a block!"
"I have my earbuds in. I can't hear anything."
"Then why do you wear them?"
"Well I can hear stuff, just not you."
This guy above was a really nice guy I ran into one Bike To Work Day. His music was so loud I could hear it on my bicycle over the traffic of Market Street. He was quite startled by my presence, too. Entirely because he couldn't hear me next to him. I am pretty sure he was lip reading when I took this picture.
Just before I took this picture, this woman was passed by a frustrated bus driver. I am not convinced she heard the bus next to her as she flinched and swerved as it passed her. I am not sure how anyone would be comfortable not knowing a 60 foot long bus weighing 31,500 lbs (unloaded!!) with a frustrated driver who is late is coming up behind them.
In California, wearing headphones or earbuds in both ears, while driving or riding a bicycle is illegal (CVC 27400). Over an above that, it is stupid. When you can not hear anything other than Lady Gaga or This American Life it means you lose the one sense that can warn you ahead of time there is trouble. How many times have I not hit someone passing me on the right only because I heard their squeaky chain coming up behind?
People use the example of the deaf being able to do things without hearing. It is a silly example. Someone who is deaf has adapted to their lack of hearing and has found ways to make sure they know what is going on around them. Those who are totally into the Tupac blaring in their heads... not so much. They are distracted by the very engaging music and usually forget that the rest of the world is still out there. The woman above is a prime example- she didn't hear the car in cross traffic running the red light when it was time for us to go. It could have been really ugly.
While there is the argument that driver's should always assume that others can't hear them, or that they may hit a vulnerable road user, I don't think that absolves road users from paying attention to their own, and others safety. It is illegal to drive with headphones in Portugal, Spain, Germany, but I could not easily find information about its legality on a bicycle. The Dutch ask us not to when we ride there-
James and I were talking about the issue of hearing while riding the other day. We have both taken up motorcycle riding again, after many years away. We had both noticed the same thing- we were each disturbed by our inability to hear the cars around us due to our full face helmets, road noise and wind. We have become so accustomed to being able to hear everything around us while bicycle riding that we were disturbed by our inability to do this on the motorcycle. Neither of us realized just how much we had come to depend on our hearing while riding around and neither of us felt safe when it was taken away.
So, if you want music on your ride, maybe you should just take the band along with you. Or sound up your bicycle and share the love! Hendrix is so much better when you can hear what is going on around you!
cross posted at Change Your Life. Ride A Bike!
Not long ago, I was riding along Valencia St. when I noticed the rider just ahead of me was a woman I know. She was about 50 feet ahead of me, so I sped up and called out to her. She didn't hear me, so I picked up the pace a bit and called again. Nothing. I gave her my New York taxi yell (it is quite impressive, you should hear it). Nothing. Finally I caught up to her and passed to the left and said "hi!". She just about jumped out of her skin and nearly crashed.
"Don't sneak up on people like that!' she yelled at me.
"I didn't! I have been yelling your name for half a block!"
"I have my earbuds in. I can't hear anything."
"Then why do you wear them?"
"Well I can hear stuff, just not you."
Not my friend. Just someone with earbuds.
And there you have the issue that we will address in today's "How To Not Ride Really Badly" lesson. If you can't hear me hollering 50 feet away, you can't hear anything.This guy above was a really nice guy I ran into one Bike To Work Day. His music was so loud I could hear it on my bicycle over the traffic of Market Street. He was quite startled by my presence, too. Entirely because he couldn't hear me next to him. I am pretty sure he was lip reading when I took this picture.
Just before I took this picture, this woman was passed by a frustrated bus driver. I am not convinced she heard the bus next to her as she flinched and swerved as it passed her. I am not sure how anyone would be comfortable not knowing a 60 foot long bus weighing 31,500 lbs (unloaded!!) with a frustrated driver who is late is coming up behind them.
In California, wearing headphones or earbuds in both ears, while driving or riding a bicycle is illegal (CVC 27400). Over an above that, it is stupid. When you can not hear anything other than Lady Gaga or This American Life it means you lose the one sense that can warn you ahead of time there is trouble. How many times have I not hit someone passing me on the right only because I heard their squeaky chain coming up behind?
People use the example of the deaf being able to do things without hearing. It is a silly example. Someone who is deaf has adapted to their lack of hearing and has found ways to make sure they know what is going on around them. Those who are totally into the Tupac blaring in their heads... not so much. They are distracted by the very engaging music and usually forget that the rest of the world is still out there. The woman above is a prime example- she didn't hear the car in cross traffic running the red light when it was time for us to go. It could have been really ugly.
While there is the argument that driver's should always assume that others can't hear them, or that they may hit a vulnerable road user, I don't think that absolves road users from paying attention to their own, and others safety. It is illegal to drive with headphones in Portugal, Spain, Germany, but I could not easily find information about its legality on a bicycle. The Dutch ask us not to when we ride there-
James and I were talking about the issue of hearing while riding the other day. We have both taken up motorcycle riding again, after many years away. We had both noticed the same thing- we were each disturbed by our inability to hear the cars around us due to our full face helmets, road noise and wind. We have become so accustomed to being able to hear everything around us while bicycle riding that we were disturbed by our inability to do this on the motorcycle. Neither of us realized just how much we had come to depend on our hearing while riding around and neither of us felt safe when it was taken away.
So, if you want music on your ride, maybe you should just take the band along with you. Or sound up your bicycle and share the love! Hendrix is so much better when you can hear what is going on around you!
cross posted at Change Your Life. Ride A Bike!
KT going off the radar for a few days
Hi Readers,
In addition to being a bike blogger, I have other talents and projects. One of them is a film that I've been producing for a few years called "Forms of Identification," an experimental dance film about an artist's struggle with identity crisis from chronic illness.
This labor of love has finally come to fruition and I will be traveling to Spain this week to attend our first international film festival.
As you can imagine, my head feels like it has been split open as I try to tie up loose ends before I hop on the plane. I am going to refrain from maintaining this blog for one week to focus on my other artistic endeavor, leaving Vélo Vogue in the capable hands of Adrienne and Ramona in my absence.
Please check out my film's website, become a fan on FB and wish me luck on the red carpet.
In addition to being a bike blogger, I have other talents and projects. One of them is a film that I've been producing for a few years called "Forms of Identification," an experimental dance film about an artist's struggle with identity crisis from chronic illness.
This labor of love has finally come to fruition and I will be traveling to Spain this week to attend our first international film festival.
As you can imagine, my head feels like it has been split open as I try to tie up loose ends before I hop on the plane. I am going to refrain from maintaining this blog for one week to focus on my other artistic endeavor, leaving Vélo Vogue in the capable hands of Adrienne and Ramona in my absence.
Please check out my film's website, become a fan on FB and wish me luck on the red carpet.
I've been working collectively with an amazing team of dedicated friends on creating works of art this year. Tonight, one of our projects will be unveiled to the public.
Every October, SOMArts Gallery puts together a Day of the Dead exhibit - local artists create altars to show respect to and celebrate the lives of loved ones who have passed.
This year, the theme of the exhibit is "Illuminations."
Since March of this year, a group of us in the bike community has been collaborating on a concept to respect the life of a fellow bike friend. As of tonight, we can share our hard work and creative vision with you. It's an altar named life, energy: con sonrisas.
Please come to SOMArts Gallery over the next month to experience our altar and those of many other talented Bay Area artists. More info about the opening here. Exhibit runs through Nov. 5, 2011.
Nobody walks in LA (Biking in LA pt. 2)
Despite what people think and say, Los Angeles has a rich bicycle culture. In fact, little havens like Venice Beach speckle the coastline, where EVERYONE who's ANYONE knows this fact: The bike is the best way to go.

Even Tim Robbins knows that.

You don't need no limo when you've got free valet bike parking at the Main Street Farmers' Market. Definitely one place you want to see and be seen.

And if you need to wear a full length evening gown, your bike will clearly take you there in style.

Los Angeles - the place where dreams are caught and made.

Catch my drift?

LA is all right.

Even Tim Robbins knows that.

You don't need no limo when you've got free valet bike parking at the Main Street Farmers' Market. Definitely one place you want to see and be seen.

And if you need to wear a full length evening gown, your bike will clearly take you there in style.

Los Angeles - the place where dreams are caught and made.

Catch my drift?

LA is all right.
Cycling For Everyone by Amsterdamize
Could this be our history too? Someday?
This is a fantastic little film by my friend Marc from Amsterdamize on the history and state of cycling in The Netherlands. Excellent filmmaking and narration by Marc, the man, the myth, the legend himself.
This is a fantastic little film by my friend Marc from Amsterdamize on the history and state of cycling in The Netherlands. Excellent filmmaking and narration by Marc, the man, the myth, the legend himself.
bikes are alive and well and living in Los Angeles pt. 1
I went on my semi-annual trip to LA recently. And surprise! It was a breath of fresh air, actually (pun intended). With the "summer" we've been experiencing in SF (or lack thereof), it was nice to see what the other kids do when the sun is out.

So I went for a cruise on the beach in Venice.
The layers come off and your sparkly sting ray glistens in the sunshine.

Bikes make people and pets happy!

People parading their souped-up bikes and trikes - good times in the summertime!

More to come!

So I went for a cruise on the beach in Venice.

The layers come off and your sparkly sting ray glistens in the sunshine.

Bikes make people and pets happy!

People parading their souped-up bikes and trikes - good times in the summertime!

More to come!
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