New photos of people who love velo appear in our photo pool daily. It's like getting a postcard from another part of the world.

Lay-Luh, Portland

BigFish Folding Bike, London

Xander N'Dante, Toronto 416 Cycle Style
Sometimes I even get to meet these faces in person and be inspired time and time again.

So today I would like to give thanks to you - my readers, collaborators and friends - who keep the movement rolling forward at a steady and strong pace.
Thank you from the bottom of my innertube. :-)
from my innertube filled of caffeine, to you luv! its been a blast hangin out with you <3
**happy thanksgivin**
Happy Holidays and enjoy the ride.
This virtual velo friendship has been more than I expected when I started my own site.
Happy holidays to you, Xander!
Your virtual velo friend, KT
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