
Take Your Dog To Work Day!

Meet Rookie!
Rookie Panda with Jaguar

And please congratulate him on his first bike ride - EVER! Rookie is the adorable chihuahua mix that I fostered and am in the process of adopting. He is a great passenger/co-pilot (not a back-seat driver at all) as he remained quiet the entire way from my house near Golden Gate Park to my office in SF's Financial District.
Rookie Panda

My friend Kay lent me her Basil pet carrier that she picked up at Warm Planet. It's sturdy, sizeable, safe and comfy enough to accommodate your furry friend. I like that the basket attaches to a rear rack so your dog can chill out and not be distracted by looking into your face. That way it's actually safer for you too.
Rookie Panda

We had a fun time on our morning commute. I think I'll bike to work with Rookie more often.
carrying Rookie Panda
Rookie Panda
Rookie is a bike rookie no more!


Anonymous said...

What could be better than biking to work? Biking to work w/ a cute little dog in a bike basket, that what! My Smooth Fox Terrior would under no circumstances be that well behaved.

Kristin Tieche said...

If you can afford it, I'd get one of these Basil Pet Baskets. Rookie was very comfortable and at ease the whole trip! I think it helps that they can't look into your face. My friend carries two chihuahuas in this same basket all the time.

Unknown said...

Possibly the cutest dog EVER - a face like that should guarantee a supermodel career for Rookie, even if just within the pages of Velo Vogue ;0)

Kristin Tieche said...

@SMB - awwwww - gee thanks! Rookie says Woof!

Lady Vélo said...

OMG - I'm squeeling at my screen right now because of all that cute going on :)When I finally get my dog, I need to find a Basil Pet Basket or something similar...