I just found out about these ankle purses by Chanel. The perfect accessory for Friday night cruising on the town! Nice alternative to velcro straps and rubber bands if you want to protect the pantlegs. Great for disco-dancing too!
In fact, they'd go really nice with one of those $12,000 Chanel bikes.

While we're on the subject of ankles, I saw these fabulous ankle cuffs at a fashion show/martini party at 440 Brannan last week.

They not only look great with high heels, but I imagine they'd be a great alternative to rubberbands and velcro straps when you need to protect your long pants.
They look like the old time spats to me. Cute idea.
oh snap...I was at that party...that dude Roger is the best, and the bartender Parker wasn't bad either.. I like those ankle thingies, but thought, as a male, that they weren't doin' it...but i guess the only acceptable alternative for me is the pant-roll, so maybe i should reconsider. the scarf is my fav biking accessory, but it'll be a little while before i can wear one of those!
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