
VV Profile: Mary McDermott and Jenn Tomlinson

Mary & Jenn of Pedal Panties  1
Meet the Pedal Panties gals! Mary's comments in red and Jenn's in purple!

Name: Mary McDermott
Name: Jenn Tomlinson

Occupation: Owner, Pedal Panties
Occupation: Owner, Pedal Panties & massage therapist

Hometown: Endicott, NY
Hometown: Rutherford, NJ

Current Neighborhood: Potrero Hill
Current Neighborhood: The Mission

Favorite city to ride a bike in in the world: San Francisco and Black Rock
Favorite city to ride a bike in in the world: San Francisco, of course!

Helmet or no helmet:
always a helmet
Helmet or no helmet: Definitely Helmet! I’ve already cracked two helmets! Yikes! The contents of my skull are highly important to me.

Type of bike: Vintage steel frame Schwinn in Turquoise and Black. My friend Davin re-built it for me!
Type of bike: well, I’ve got 3 & counting…
Mary & Jenn of Pedal Panties  2
Describe what you like best about your bike: That it was made for me by a friend! My really good friend has always been an encouraging support to me when it comes to riding bikes. He re-built a mountain bike for me and took me out for many rides and taught me a lot. Then he re-built a townie bike for me and took me on my first big group ride!
Describe what you like best about your bike: oh my purple Cannondale has been with me everywhere and has transitioned over the years from my first mountain bike to trusted townie. It has taken a beating yet just gives & gives! And lately, I’m experiencing some serious basket envy…!

Describe your urban cycling experience: Since I was a little kid riding bikes was a social experience, something you do with friends or to get around to places, to see and be with people. So riding in my 'play' clothes always seems the way to go. I love riding in SF because I feel like myself on a bike, I don't have to change my clothes or change into a cyclist when I hop on a bike!
Describe your urban cycling experience: For 2 years I commuted to Sausalito by bike every day and so became comfortable (& enjoy) riding with the traffic. It was really liberating! Anyone can do it!

Favorite time and/or place to ride: I love to take a ride with a friend in the evening, having no real direction just stopping and checking out things and places. The idea for Pedal Panties happened on a lazy-day ride and many of our first 'business meetings' happened during an aimless evening ride.
Favorite time and/or place to ride: Recently, on one of those first clear mornings (no fog), I took a ride up San Bruno Mountain with some velo-rad ladies! Gorgeous way to start the day! Of course, seat-of-my-panties rides around town with friends are always a good time, too!

Tell us a funny story that happened to you on your bike: One day I was riding bikes with my friend Jenn and was complaining that I needed something less than a bike short and more than a pair of panties to feel more comfortable when I ride.... hours later we bought the url for Pedal Panties. That was pretty funny :)
Tell us a funny story that happened to you on your bike: I’m fairly chatty and so often strike up conversations with other cyclists. I’ve gotten awesome recommendations for bands/restaurants/bike routes/cocktails as well as some jokes, job offers and dates from such chats!

Describe your personal style: My style changes with my mood, but Vintage dresses and boots are what I am most comfortable in!
Describe your personal style: My personal style is ever evolving! I’m a big fan of greens & blues with a healthy dose of sparkly.

Mary & Jenn of Pedal Panties 3

Tell me about Pedal Panties: Pedal Panties are a fashionable pantie for women who want to feel as good as they look when they ride. They have a sleek fit making them a fashionable alternative to traditional bike clothing and offering a smoother ride under even the hippest, most stylish clothing.
Tell me about Pedal Panties: Pedal Panties will make you feel like the Goddess you are on two wheels! The just enough cushion is what you’ve been looking for your whole velo-life! Why not rock a pair?!

Vélo Vogue tip of the day: Safety is sexy!
Vélo Vogue tip of the day: For maximum happiness, ride your bike every day!


Simply Bike said...

Awesome interview! These two ladies sounds like so much fun, I will definitely have to check out Pedal Panties now. Rock on, you two! S.

Anonymous said...

Great profile. Does Peal Panties make a panty for skirt wearing, modest types?

Kristin Tieche said...

That's exactly what pedal panties are about. Get a pair! They are comfy and cute!