The first day of her visit, I coaxed my cousin Tiffany from Minneapolis to ride up and down Market. All the hustle and bustle nearly gave her a heart attack, but she came out smiling and lives to tell!

If you do it every day, being followed by a large Muni bus ain't no thang.

When all is said and done, however, I do love the improvements to Market so far. The separated green bike lanes (though confusing crossovers at times) make for a safer commute, especially on the blocks closed to cars. I look forward to the day when Tiffany will be able to cruise Market without the threat of vehicular traffic.
I really need to know about the corset style top in the first photo. Anybody know who made that? It's AWESOME!
Glad to hear you're all cruising along safely!
I know, isn't it amazing? Didn't stop to ask her unfortunately, but wow...
Dang. I wish we knew. I love those huge grommets.
I gotta say, I felt funny cycling to the store down the block last night sans helmet. I am not trying to be Preachy McPreachington, and I'm SO glad you're all safe in SF! I must add (rather sheepishly) that everybody looks even hotter in a helmet.
I stop in regularly here. Obvs. today, I'm arriving from my soap box in Chicago ;) I'll get down from that now and continue to enjoy the view.
Cool - send us a pic of you on your bike wearing your sexy helmet! Thanks for your readership!
Your pandas make the world a better and happier place. Just saying.
- A certain panda admin
Awww shucks! Thanks, Wallet!
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