Such is the case in São Paulo. Because of the growing popularity among Paulistas of the Bicicletada, their city did just that. Praça do Ciclista is where SP cyclists congregate for political demonstrations and organized rides.
São Paulo is a city that feels blocked.

Support the Bicicletada!

It's a city where citizens plead for more love, less cars...

and for revolution.

It could be a place where biking puts a smile on your face, instead of where drivers are sourly stuck in gridlock.

Replace each car with one bike.
Each motorist with one cyclist.

Now, here's a beautiful vision for a livable city. I was informed that SF muralist Mona Caron came here. Maybe she painted one of these bikes.

Leave tire-prints wherever your bike takes you. Cast long visible shadows, and may they permanently leave a mark. And may all our cities acknowledge the movement that's taking over our planet.

Viva las bicis!!!
Back to SP??
Felipe Aragonez
Oi Felipe!
Yes, I would love to come back to SP... more posts to come. Glad you're enjoying these.
Hi Kristin, nice post!
I'm from Brazil and started to follow the guys from bicicletada a few weeks ago!
The things are changing and I'm think that in a few years (maybe when the traffic jam stop the city), the citizens will give more value to the bicycles...!
Obrigada, Arthur! I hope things get better in SP! I would love to come back and do a Bicicletada with you all one day!
Ride on!
Gosh! I love the idea of being able to bike in SP. The traffic is crazy ... :P
I love my country, but I am happy where I am. However I really hope that one day to be able to go home and to bike everywhere.
Julz - if you dream it, it will come! I have faith that eventually all this political pressure from bike advocacy groups will cause infrastructure to change in places like SP and around the globe.
Wow, great, loved the post Kristen, try to come to Brazil on Sept 22th!
World Car Free Day, trully wild!
Renata Falzoni
Nice post, nice photos, nice blog!
From now I'll follow theis blog ;)
Bicicletada-SP riding all the world. Great job!
Go bike!
Hi Renata, Sep 22? My goodness, let me try to squeeze in another trip!
@ Alvaro - welcome to Vélo Vogue! Come by anytime!
Go Bike!
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