
you lookin' at ME?

When cyclists look at me like this when I'm taking a pic of them, it makes me want to cower behind my camera and apologize, but instead I usually smile and tell them how awesome they look! What a most excellent pannier she's got, and those clog-like shoes, if I'm not mistaken, could be Dansko, the pretty and practical footwear line from Denmark, no less.


GhostRider said...

Basil grocery panniers...those bags are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I am also a bit embarrassed at clicking away at perfect strangers but compliments go a long way and I agree, telling people how fabulous they look works wonders. Snapped a shot of a young lady this morning. Her simple dress and bike were the perfect combination.

judy b. said...

Nancy Botkin was probably not mad, just confused. She's not a cool, aloof velovoguist, she's very approachable. And, of course, very chic.

Velouria said...

I have not gotten up the nerve to photograph unknown cyclists yet, but I am working up to it! For now I stick to parked bicycles, pieces of myself, and the Co-Habitant.

My neighbor rides a very cute bicycle and I am planing to ask her to grant me a photo-shoot in the lot behind our building. She will either be flattered or will think I am absolutely insane. Well, we shall see!